Reports : EN

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June 5, 2024

≫ Report “Policy Making Process in Japan: Strategic Energy Plan as a Case Study”

Japan’s Strategic Energy Plan, reviewed every three years, and nationally determined contribution (NDC), including the government’s greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, are scheduled to be formulated during fiscal year 2024. While the contents of policies are important, it is also very important that […]

April 11, 2024

≫ Report “Offshore Wind in Japan: Policy Agenda and Prospects”

There are growing expectations for offshore wind power generation globally as a source of clean energy. Japan has significant potential for offshore wind, which can play an important role in tackling climate change, providing a stable […]

March 13, 2024

≫ Report “Japan’s Spending Plans for Climate and Energy”

The size of government budgets and the steady implementation of upfront investments by governments are crucial factors in promoting policies and measures relating to climate and energy.On January 16, 2024, Cabinet approved the government of Japan’s budget for 2024.  The budget also […]

January 29, 2024

≫ Report “What is Green Transformation (GX)?”

Japan started advancing “Green Transformation(GX)” branded initiatives in 2022.
In May 2023, the Diet passed the GX Promotion Act and GX Decarbonization Electricity Act (a bundle of amendments to several acts), and it subsequently adopted the GX Promotion Strategy. By the end of 2023, the government […]

May 8, 2023

≫ Report “ Assessing Net Zero: Integrity Review of 10 Japanese Companies”

Our new report analyzes the transparency and integrity of climate pledges of 10 major Japanese companies. Many Japanese companies have pledged to achieve carbon neutrality in response to the urgent need to address climate change. What are their corporate targets and measures? Are they 1.5°C-aligned?  […]

March 1, 2023

≫ Report “Decarbonizing Japan’s Electricity System: Policy Change to Trigger a Shift”

The report contains policy recommendations needed to achieve the decarbonization of Japan’s power sector. This report was released simultaneously with “The 2035 Japan Report: Plummeting costs of solar, wind and batteries can accelerate Japan’s clean and independent electricity future” by […]

June 30, 2022

≫ Report “Getting Lost on the Road to Decarbonization: Japan’s Big Plans for Ammonia”(updated June, 2022)

Japan is aggressively promoting the use of hydrogen and fuel ammonia, purportedly in an effort to achieve carbon neutrality. The government is giving its all-out support to expand their use with every tool available, from strategic plans, […]