

出版社勤務後、米国の環境団体の経験を経て、1998年から2021年までNPO法人気候ネットワークに勤務。国連の気候変動交渉(COP)や気候・エネルギー政策に関する分析や情報発信などで20年以上の経験を有する。2011年の福島第一原子力発電所事故の後には石炭火力発電所の建設計画に対して取り組み、多くの計画を中止に導いたことや、金融機関に対する株主提案などが評価され、2021年「ゴールドマン環境賞」を受賞(日本人3人目、女性初)。2022年には英BBCが選ぶ「100人の女性」に選出。2022年にClimate Integrateを設立。ファクトに基づく情報提供や各ステークホルダーの脱炭素への取り組みの支援を行う。千葉商科大学大学院客員准教授。市川市環境施策推進参与。聖心女子大学卒業、早稲田大学社会科学研究科博士課程修了(社会科学博士)。

・2023年 Business Insider「Climate Action 30」選出
・2024年 ロイター「Trailblazing Women in Climate」選出

『気候変動と政治 -気候政策統合の到達点と課題』成文堂(2021)

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≫ 連載コラム「平田仁子と読み解く、パリ協定後の気候変動対策」

Kimiko Hirata, Ph.D

Executive Director

After working for a publisher in Japan and gaining experience with a US NGO, Kimiko worked with Kiko Network, a Japanese non-profit climate NGO, from 1998 until 2021. She has over 20 years of experience relating to international climate conference under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and in analyzing and communicating about climate and energy policies. Concerned about a new boom in coal power plant construction in Japan after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster, she engaged in a multipronged campaign to fight coal and shareholder activism, culminating in the cancellation of many plans. In recognition of her efforts, she was named a recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2021, selected for the BBC’s 100 Women list in 2022 . She established Climate Integrate in 2022 with the aim of providing fact-based information and supporting multiple actors’ decarbonization efforts in Japan and abroad. She is also a visiting associate professor at Chiba University of Commerce Graduate School, and an environmental policy advisor for Ichikawa City. Kimiko has a PhD in social sciences from Waseda University in Tokyo.

Other Awards

・2023 Business Insider’s Climate Action 30
・2024 Reuters’ Trailblazing Women in Climate

Publications (in Japanese)

“Let’s Learn About Climate Change” (contributor) (Godo-Shuppan 2023)
“Climate Change and Politics: The Achievements and Challenges of Climate Policy Integration” (Seibundo Publishing 2021)
“Creating a Future without Nuclear Power and Global Warming” (editor) (Commons 2012)

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