安井 裕之


大学卒業後、丸紅株式会社にて国内外における新規事業投資プロジェクトに係る規制課題の調査・分析、コンプライアンス体制の構築・強化に従事。その後、ルールメイキングの重要性を感じ、2017年に公共政策コンサルティングを専門とするマカイラ株式会社に参画。社会変革につながる新しいビジネス領域を中心に、政策提言や政府・自治体・NPO等との関係構築・連携支援を行う。一般社団法人シェアリングエコノミー協会でも、公共政策部長として、シェアリングエコノミーに関わる制度改革の実現や安心安全な利用環境の整備に向けた提言活動を展開している。2024年、Climate Integrateに参加。京都大学法学部卒業。

Hiroyuki Yasui

Director, Public Policy

After university, Hiroyuki worked on research and analysis at Marubeni Corporation relating to regulatory issues for new business investment projects in Japan and overseas, and to develop and improve the company’s compliance systems. Recognizing the importance of rules-based systems, in 2017 he joined Makaira, a public policy consultancy. There he developed policy recommendations and supported relationship-building and collaboration with the central and local governments as well as civil society groups, with a focus on new business areas that can drive social change. As director of public policy at the Sharing Economy Association (Japan) as well, he has been advocating for regulatory reforms and a safe and secure user environment in the sharing economy. Hiroyuki joined the Climate Integrate team in 2024. He has a law degree from Kyoto University.